Lifelong Advice (Wear Sunscreen)

Larissa Rena
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

It’s already a decade after I finished my bachelor study. Boy, that was one of the most confusing time in my life. I was dying to support myself independently, but I couldn’t find a full-time job that (I thought) I would enjoy. Many of my friends were on the same boat. Millennials. We would talk for hours, wondering what the future might hold for us and how we could work our way towards it. At times I was frustrated of not knowing what I wanted to do.

Of many things I discovered while trying to find comfort, there was this quirky video clip on life advices, but strongly on sunscreen ;)

Baz Luhrmann — Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen

I would recommend anyone in the intersection of “what to do next?” to watch it. It entertained me when I was a lost fresh-grad. As I saw it again just now, some messages resonated with my current life phase more strongly. I’d say it’s a good piece to keep because finding oneself is a lifelong journey.

If you’re curious who made the video, it was Baz Luhrmann (director of Romeo+Juliet, Moulin Rouge, The Great Gatsby). The words were written by Mary Schmich for her column on Chicago Tribune, but most often than not mistaken as Kurt Vonnegut’s graduation speech at the MIT. The whole public misunderstanding is hilarious.

It’s also a reminder that we never know when or how the fruit of our labor could come to impacting so many lives. Schmich wrote it in only 4 hours with no intention to making it viral. The important thing is to put our heart in every work we do, not to overthink, and believe that we aim to deliver good deeds out to the world.

P.S. Other stuff on personal wayfinding that I’ve been keeping sake: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko (Dan Pink) and Personal Renewal (John Gardner).



Larissa Rena

a humanbeing seizing life's servings | currently exploring inclusive design